
Sunday, March 17, 2013

March Issue 2013

First off I'd like to say Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
Home life has not been  updated in over a year, I apologize!
In April 2012 Cj and JB were tested for autism, Jade had already been being tested since 2009.
In May 2012
Cj was diagnosed with ADHD combined type with autistic tendencies and JB was diagnosed with autism,PDD, &ADHD combined type. Both were off the record diagnosed with sensory processing disorder (SPD) aka sensory integration disorder (SID) since health cares in Massachusetts and other states do not acknowledge the disorder. 
We've been super busy. Here's what we've been doing since May 2012 !
So in less than a year.....Not necessarily in the correct chronological order~
We've gone to almost every Free 1st Friday of the month event. 
We spent a lot of time together with sloppy crafts.
We've made bouncy balls.
We've put up Skate Board Shelves that we simply made by mounting mini skate boards to the wall.
Jade started kindergarten and lost a tooth.
We've tried ice hockey.
We've went sledding.
Of course we've visited numerous parks!
Our favorite though is Imagination Station in Leominster, MA.
We've made goops.
We've made scented and all other sorts of play doughs.
They've helped me make my homemade cosmetics.
We've tried squishy baffs.
We've gone to the Worcester Ecotarium @ least 2x.
We've been to Acton Children's Museums@ least 2x.
We've been to Boston Children's Museum @ least 2x.
We've been to the Orlando Studios Dinosaur Expo in Boston.
We've been to zoos 3x.
We've went swimming.
We've tried gymnastics.
We've tried Dance classes.
We've tried Mixed Martial Arts.
We love to use the lite-brite flash art paint wheel.
We've made scented finger paints.
We've read tons of books.
We've been bowling.
We've been to the movies about 3x.
Cole learned how to play video games and navigate the Xbox.
We went to Worcester Airport for  Santa 's flight in.
I'm sure there are so many more but I simply can't remember them all at the moment. =]


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