
Monday, April 8, 2013

Baby Brain

So, I've been wondering does having babies make you temporarily moronic? I used to make all my things by scratch without a recipe or even a thought really. I knew how to keep my organizing binders tidy and ORGANIZED. I used to be paid to organize brickabrack stuff and insane closets. I "religiously" organized and cleaned all my work spaces. Honestly~I still went about life in my old weirdo ways I was never normal I guess you would have called me a creative genius but after my kids, a cube shelf hitting me square on the head and a serious car accident I've noticed that I can't even keep my things in a closet let alone organizing one! Even using pinterest to pin what I used to whip up on my own (soaps,lotions,cleaning products, cosmetics you know, all that DIY stuff) I can't keep up! How about you? Did you notice a change in your memory retention after having a child?


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