
Monday, April 29, 2013

See Through Planter

What you will need:
Disposable- Diapers or Sleep Pants

Clear box or resealable bag

Roots are a great choice



Saran Wrap

Duct Tape

Large Rubber Band

Lets Start!
  1. Cut into the inner layer of the diaper or sleep pants and pull out its filling 
  2. Place the filling into the planter/bag (You may need lots of diapers /sleep pants to fill whatever container you chose)
  3. Add small amounts of water and mix
  4. Let your mixture sit until a clear gel forms and isn't watery. Add more water after a few minutes if it is too dry. If its too wet add a small amounts of diaper fluff
  5. Once you have a nice solid gel take your seeds and press them into the mixture about half an inch or whatever depth your seed packet direct you to.
  6. If its a bag you chose seal it and tape it in a window. If you chose a clear container tightly seal the top off with one that was included or saran wrap make sure to secure the saran wrap with an elastic or duct tape to prevent water from evaporating. Place in a sunny spot.
  7. Enjoy your learning experience! 

This entire article was created and written by Felicia Marie Bowler 
The Photos are not mine


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